Jul 2022

What is a Subdivision?

A subdivision is when you have a piece of land, and you go through a process to divide it into smaller parcels that can be sold separately.

There are many forms of subdivision, each with its pros and cons; below is a brief review of some of the options you may have if you are considering subdividing your land.

Torrens Title

A Torrens Title subdivision means you create independent lots. This then allows each lot to have the potential to be further developed, for example, having one large lot and completing a Torrens Title Subdivision to create two lots and then place a Dual-Occupancy on both of the new lots which then may be further subdivided

The size required to do a Torrens Title subdivision is generally controlled by the Local Environmental Plan (LEP) of the Council that your land is within

Torrens Title Subdivision can be done by either a fast tracked Complying Development Certificate (CDC) through Landcert or a Development Application through Council.

Contact the team of Subdivision Certifiers at Landcert if you wish to discuss further potential pathways you may have for the subdivision of your land.


Community Title Schemes

Community title subdivision is actually further broken down into three further categories

  • Neighbourhood Schemes
  • Precinct Schemes
  • Strata Schemes

Community Title, Neighbourhood Schemes, and Precinct Schemes provide alternate options to Torrens Title subdivision when the Council’s LEP may prohibit Torrens title Subdivision. This can allow for the creation of individual lots; however, those lots fall under a Community Management Plan and have a joint responsibility to maintain any community assets within that Community Management Plan (i.e. access roads and vegetation under a Vegetation Management Plan).

Contact the team of Subdivision Certifiers at Landcert if you wish to discuss further potential pathways you may have for the subdivision of your land.

Strata Scheme/Title

Strata title subdivision allows you to further subdivide your development when you cannot subdivide through a Torrens title arrangement or are looking to subdivide a building to allow individual units to be sold.

Strata Schemes allow for lots to be separated and be defined by the area, generally the internal area of each building, as well as allocate spaces within the building to specific units (i.e. storage spaces, car spaces etc.)

Strata Subdivision can be either approved through Council or a Complying Development Certificate. Contact the specialist team of Strata Subdivision Certifiers at Landcert to see how we can assist you with this process.

Contact the team of Subdivision Certifiers at Landcert if you wish to discuss further potential pathways you may have for the subdivision of your land.

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